Everyone Needs Advanced Health Care Directives
No one knows what can happen in the future. While many people consider health care directives when they become ill, healthy adults can suffer from unforeseeable events at any time. Should this happen to you and, you are unable to make decisions regarding your health care, then it is vital that you have an established plan that outlines your wishes and appoints a health care surrogate to make decisions on your behalf.
At Marshall Law, I assist clients in creating advance health care directives as part of my estate planning services. My name is John Marshall, and I understand how difficult it is to consider a time when someone else may be making decisions for you. Nonetheless, I will provide compassionate guidance to help you make difficult decisions today that could protect you in the future.
A Health Care Directive Can Help You Protect Yourself And Your Loved Ones
In Florida, you can appoint a Health Care Surrogate to make medical decisions on your behalf as well as provide detailed instructions on certain aspects of your medical care.
Advance health care directive collectively refers to the following documents:
- HIPAA waiver: This authorizes disclosure of your confidential medical information to the people named in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) waiver. This document complies with federal law and must be accepted by every medical provider.
- Designation of health care surrogate: This allows you to appoint health care surrogates you trust to make decisions regarding your personal health care if you are unable to do so yourself; your inability to make health care decisions may be temporary or permanent. You can also dictate any specific courses of treatment you do – or do not – desire.
- Living will: A living will allows you to decide whether you want life support removed if you are permanently mentally incapacitated and suffer from a terminal or end-stage condition or are in a permanent vegetative state. This takes the burden of having to decide for you off your health care surrogates, assuming you want life support removed (otherwise, you would indicate in the designation of health care surrogate that life support is to be ongoing).
Compassionate Assistance In Making Tough Decisions About Your Future
While no one wants to think about a time when they will be unable to make decisions about their own medical treatment, planning ahead can save you and your loved ones stress and heartache. Having advance health care directives in place makes it easier for family and friends to follow your wishes and feel confident in the medical decisions that they are making. To learn more, contact me at 352-619-0744 or complete my online contact form to schedule a consultation.