Power Of Attorney
You never want to imagine a time when you cannot make important financial decisions for yourself. If, however, you become incapacitated you must have a trusted Agent ready to act on your behalf. A power of attorney allows you to appoint someone to make financial decisions on your behalf if you are unable to do so.
With years of experience assisting clients in all areas of estate planning, I know what a tough decision it can be to choose an Agent (person appointed in a Power of Attorney) and grant them authority to make decisions for you. I will provide compassionate guidance through every step of the process.
Protecting Your Future Financial Decisions
A Power of Attorney can be prepared to address your specific circumstances and needs. The differences between them can be confusing, so it is vital you speak with an experienced estate planning attorney before making such an important decision.
There are different types of Powers Of Attorney documents in Florida depending on your needs, including:
- General power of attorney: This gives your agent authority over almost every area of your finances, including, but not limited to, banking, investment decisions, handling your taxes, and applying for government benefits.
- Durable power of attorney: A General Power of Attorney becomes invalid when you become incompetent. Nonetheless, a General Power of Attorney can be made “Durable” so it remains valid even after you become incompetent.
- Limited power of attorney: This arrangement is used to give an Aagent authority for a specific purpose and/or for a limited period of time. The agency Agent’s authority terminates when the time limit expires or the purpose is complete.
When moving from another state to Florida, keep in mind Florida’s Power of Attorney laws are very different. Under Florida law, a Power of Attorney is effective immediately upon signing and cannot be delayed until a later date or occurrence. In addition, there are certain powers or actions your Agent cannot take unless the Power of Attorney contains specific language and you have specifically initialed that power.
When deciding on an Agent for your Power Of Attorney, it is vital you carefully consider who should be appointed as your Agent; having a succession of Agents available to serve one after the other should be done in case the Agent you have appointed become incapacitated themselves. The people you appoint should be people you trust and who are financially responsible, are18 years of age or older, and understand your wishes and goals.
The Legal Guidance And Support You Need
There are numerous reasons for having a Power Of Attorney, the most important being that if you become incapacitated, your agent can make decisions for you without requiring guardianship proceedings in a court of law. To schedule a free initial consultation and discuss your questions and concerns, call my office at 352-619-0744, or complete my online contact form to get in touch.